All the greats have done it, Grishnackh, Samoth, Faust, Euronymous, Tchort, Henry Moller, so why not you? True, by all accounts if you did burn down a church, it would probably be replaced within a month. True, taxes would partly supply the funding for its rebuilding, and true, you often have to go out of your way to find a wooden church nowadays, but hell, it's fun!!!

Christianity was brought to England with the mission of St. Augustine in 597 A.D. Up until that time, starting around 150 A.D, the Roman Empire had allowed migration of the three Germanic tribes into what was known as Briton. The three tribes were the Angles (known as Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Icelandics and Faeroese), the Easterners (Goths), and the Saxons from which we commonly derive from. This is what Hitler meant when he called Germany the "Fatherland". Germanic was part of the "Proto Indo-European" cultures along Indro-Iranian, Hellenic, Armenian, Italic, Albanian, Slavonic, Celtic, Baltic and the extinct Anatolian and Tochorian. The first of the great Empires of Europe was the Greek (Hellenic). After the down fall of Greece was the immense Roman Empire. After the Roman empire decayed (approx 436 A.D), the people of Briton were attacked by the Picts and the Scots, Briton's original inhabitants. The Britons, without the help of a now crumbling Roman Empire sent word to their Germanic homelands and a new wave of Germans, including mercenaries, settled in Briton. Over the next few hundred years, Angle and Saxon kingdoms were established in Briton. The Saxon kingdoms of Wessex, Essex, Middlesex, the Angle kingdoms of Mercia, East Anglia and Northumberland to name a few. Much inter-fighting went on between the Angles and the Saxons, such as the Battle of Deaorham and the Battle Chester, both of which drew the boundaries of is known today as Wales, Cumbria and Cornwall, although they were all originally the same blood. As well as fighting amongst each other, the Britons were under constant attack from the Picts, Scots, and Celts. In 597 A.D, Aethelberht, King of Kent, welcomed Augustine to Briton and the violent conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to christianity began. The selected monarchies seized the idea of christianity to have a way of have absolute power of the people and to weed out and exterminate what is now called "pagans". The word pagan derives from the Latin word "pagarni" which means "people who live in the country". Latin was of course used by the christian church as a way of setting themselves apart from the ordinary of people by proclaiming it a "holy language" used by the aristocracy. It was not until about 1000 year later that the christian bible appeared in English. The pagans were country folk who lead simple lives and prayed to different gods. Many simply prayed to the Mother Goddess for a kind winter or to the Horned God for a favourable harvest, although there were certain orders who worshipped secretly and are steeped in mysticism such as the Druids and Dianacians. The majority of Britons original inhabitants like the Scots and the Celts were "pagans" and were rounded up the new christian monarchies, as well as the country folk. These people's religion/s were both magically and spiritually based, unlike christianity, and the monarches saw them as threats to their absolute power. Thousands were killed unjustly after being found guilty of "devil-worship", even though none had even heard of this Satan. The Devil was an invention by the christian church which had its roots in many themes. The 6th century Persian philosopher Zoroaster wrote of the idea of adversaries. Up until this time, one god was responsible for all, good or evil. Zoroaster wrote of two gods, one was Ahura Mazda, who was the god of fire, light and life. His adversary was the god Ahriman, who was responsible for darkness, destruction, death and "evil". The Hebrews at this time were captives in Persia and the idea of opposing gods captivated them. After the invention of christianity and the sensationalism of Jesus (also known as Yeshua and Jmmanuel), it was decided that Jesus was to have an adversary. The Hebrew word for adversary was "shaitan", which was roughly translated into "Satan". Many other sources can be found such as Egypt's Set, (the Hebrews borrowed heavily from Egyptian religion), the Samarian Adramelech, the Phoenician Astaroth, Beelzebub, the ancient Hebrew "Lord Of The Flies" who was prayed to for a good harvest, Euronymous, the Greek prince of death, Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of fertility, the Hindu Kali, the Teutonic Loki, Mictian, the Aztec god of death, Nergal, the Babylonian god of the Underworld. Pan, the Greek god of lust (where the idea of a goat-type creature originated) and Tchort, the Russian "black god". The Hebrews sure did their homework! Even a brief look into any of these religions and it can be seen that christianity has turned what was once cherished and sacred into the personification of all that is bad and "evil". The Picts, Scots and Celts were rounded up like cattle for the slaughter, as well as any Britons who either practiced paganism or resisted the conversion to christianity. As I see it, no one can dispute, after well detailed analysis of christianity's history, the "rightness" of burning down a church. It is every persons right and honour, who is of Germanic, Scottish or Celtic descent, to burn, desecrate and defile these political indoctrination centres misrepresented as spiritual sanctuaries. There is nothing "holy" or "righteous" about them. They are a symbol of oppression, like the crucifix, that has been keeping down the Aryan races at the hands of power-mad Romans and money-hungry Jews. In your blood lies 1500 years of hate and oppression. In your psyche is 15 centuries of christian brain washing. Mind-control of the masses with over 2.5 billion church-going, god-fearing christians. Religiously installed and influenced governments turning christian propaganda into the law of the land. It is estimated that between now and the year 2000, public schools' enrolment will increase by 4000 students, while non-public schools, 95% being christian, will increase by a staggering 80, 000. That's a new legion of brain-washed "soldiers of god", out on the streets, day after day spreading the gospel in an attempt of mass conversion. The Australian government plan to cut a massive $93.6 million to Public schools by the 2000/2001 financial year, while the Federal expenditure on private (christian!!!) schools will increase an amazing $115.8 million!!! What's that you say, how can tax payers money be used to install a system where education will be a privilege of the rich christian minority? Are we returning to dark medieval times?! Will we turn into a country like the U.S.A where there is a lunatic on every street corner with bible-in-hand?!! Will the next generation of children be 5% christians with university degrees and 95% below the poverty line, unable to properly read and write because of inadequate public schooling.?!! The answer is YES!!!! How could this be?!!! The fact is John Howard, our Prime Minister is a christian, Anglican to be precise. Following the long-standing tradition by the christian church of destroying the middle class, John Howard has set Australia us on a path of self destruction, by making Australia into nothing more than a melting pot of ethnic violence, poverty and hopelessness while at the same time, a play toy for christian financial elite. Public schools are being closed down and christian colleges being erected in their place. Hospitals are being closed down and private hospitals are popping up. Australian businesses are closing down because the government has lowered taxes on imported products. Tens of thousands of immigrants are being let into our country, jeopardising Australian values and ways of life. Farmers lands are being taken off them because some quarter-blood Aboriginal claims his ancestors once sat on it, and all the while, television and newspapers spoon-feed the population what they want to hear, that everything is all right.