Baalberith’s beginnings, sounds, and goals...

“The band’s existence dates back to late ‘94, when I strove for this solo project along with the help of a session drummer who is no longer in the band. It was somewhat of a Bathory/Darkthrone predominance, a cold, cryptic feel. However, now musicianship and evolution took my influences towards a more grand/Wagnerian-based sound. “The aim from day one,” Bolthorn continues, “was to be evil and black, to make the community (as they are) turn with disgust. But I now see it’s more of a love/lifestyle which makes a musician. Sure the darkness is still there, but there’s more to it. To put it otherwise, I hope to achieve in the following of an Aryan blood, a Germanic Heritage forgotten and re-awaken the peoples’ feelings about their Heathenhood and past, through music.”

Baalberith originally began under the title Zertorung. What was the reason behind changing from a German moniker to what appears to be a Scandinavian one?

“That’s right, Zertorung was the original title, and no Baalberith is not a Scandinavian name. Baalberith is obviously taken from the Middle Eastern text, ‘Lord of the Covenant’, the Keybearer according to Werius demonology. However the name does not deal with the band’s concept. It was merely a name I called the band.”

Do you consider Baalberith to be a concept band?

“Obviously, I can say that I am not narrow-minded because the studies and music that appear in Baalberith is ever-increasing. I do believe that Germanic Metal is the right title. I also must explain that ‘The Ring Cycle’, Saxon/Viking Tales and Asatru are what makes Baalberith, among other Teutonic influences. Pagan blood flows in Baalberith, that sums up the conception.”

Baalberith’s current line-up?

“I am the line up!” he laughs, “although Astriaal drummer Gryphon is taking up session drums for future recordings, mind you, power will be highly expressed in the follow-up.”

I have read you do not consider Baalberith strictly an Australian band.

“Well, I can say that I am not an Australian (citizen) and neither is my music. However, if people wish to classify my band as Australian, that’s fine, because I am part of its scene.”

Baalberith’s debut album, ‘Storming Towards the Gate’ has been out for some time. What has response been like, and what is the significance behind the title?

“Yes, it did do well, mind you, distribution was at a minimum which was fucked but soon enough more will be pressed together with the upcoming second album. The title reflects the striving for knowledge. To simplify, it depicts a warrior discovering the worlds held by Yggdrassil, hence , Death/gaining wisdom/ancestral strength and using the powers of your forefathers before you, an Ancestral Spirit.”

It appears the lyrics of ‘Storming...’ were written prior to the music. Was this done for a specific purpose, ie- ‘lifting’ the music at the appropriate time during your text?

“Yes,” Bolthorn confirms. “The reason for this, I was not rehearsing with a full line-up, so I took what I could with pen and composed the music at a darker time. Although a lot of the riffs were in my head already.” He explains further, “’s like the stages for a sad piece of poetry, it’s got to have its corresponding tunes, with aggression the same score is achieved. Structure of composition is infinite, no rules here...”

An example of the enigmatic lyrics at play within Baalberith reads, “...steal the rich, murder the poor, and spell the wise.” What insight can you give us into your lyrics in general?

“Elitism, Nietzschean thought, Arrogance, Power, War. For that track specifically, it deals with a certain story/tale I wrote, the more hate/destruction/Armageddon-sort rather than the landscapes and longships. The excerpt explains itself I guess, and no it has no relation to government and politics today if it seems so.”

‘Storming...’ was released by the obscure Tasmanian label Folkefienden Produktions. How did this association come about, and will this be a permanent alliance?

“Folkefienden Produktions is a small label releasing the underground’s darkest music. The fellow who runs it, Gylve Brockman, has been a friend of mine for some time and took on his label at the time I was seeking a sponsor. But no, Baalberith is not exclusive to the label, but yes we are closely related and future release may result from Folkefienden Produktions.”

You have also released a CD single entitled ‘In den Schatten des dunklen Nebel’ (In The Shadows Of The Dark Mist) I believe. This is quite an unusual achievement.

“Ha!” he exclaims, “no that is not released yet. ‘In den Schatten...’ is an old track 15 minutes in length. I still have not discussed its release, but it will be through Folkefienden. As for the new album, that will need financial support, a bigger label.”

Does Baalberith have any other material out currently, or destined for the near future?

“No, not as yet. However, the second album and single will be out shortly, along with possibly an Astriaal/Baalberith split EP, of which there has been some planning. There is new material which sounds a bit more Blood, Fire, Death-ish, rather than repetitious Norwegian strumming.”

Do you plan on making Baalberith a formidable live entity via session members?

“Ha! No, never will be...” is Bolthorn’s simple answer. “Urgrund will cover a Baalberith track live. It’s just that Baalberith is all me and the fact of forcing all music on session members just to play live will ruin the concept and my goals. Not only so, but Baalberith will never sound good live, it’s too musically arranged.”

You mentioned your other project Urgrund. Can you tell us about them?

“Urgrund (what was Darkensphere) is a band with a late ‘80s/early ‘90s touch. Closely a product of Mayhem/Beherit/Bathory/Darkthrone style. Very raw, down to earth, no-FX-or-else, just pure fuckin’ Panzermetal! Necrovore (a fellow who came from the US) plays bass, myself on guitar, Gryphon on drums, and ex-Impure vocalist on Vox. Also, we are rehearsing with another guitarist whom we might consider in the permanent line-up.”

What do you think of Australian Black Metal bands, such as Nazxul, Samain, Abyssic Hate, Oracle of the Void, Lord Kaos, Crucible of Agony, and so forth?

“Australia has some brutal bands,” he replies adamantly, “amongst my favourites: Destroyer 666, Lord Kaos, Spear of Longinus, Astriaal, Armoured Angel, and Urgrund. Baalberith does fit into this because all these bands have managed to produce their own sound and concept, as Baalberith has.”

What future plans, either immediate or long-term, do you have for Baalberith? Can you envision a time, for example, that you have achieved all you hoped and Baalberith can be laid to rest, or is this an impossible concept to actualise?

“As mentioned before, Baalberith has a narrow-minded theme with ever-increasing musical ideas, so no Baalberith is here to stay. If not here, certainly back in Europe. I am seeking a suitable/permanent line-up for this elite studio project”

Any words left for the black-at-heart?

Wes hal! Thanks for the interview Brad. Good luck with the zine... “I mistrust all systematisers and avoid them. The will to a system is a lack of integrity.”